陆海之约│在乡村看见世界 Land:-) Sea│Seeing the World from the Countryside's view
“在乡村看见世界”活动由来自叙利亚的卢冉主创设计,来自也门、塔吉克斯坦、俄罗斯、土库曼斯坦的外国青年协助开展,立足乡村青少年乡土教育、世界观教育引导更多外国青年开展服务。活动于 1 月 5 日 与 1 月 17 日在石柱县中益乡和桥头镇举行,八名外国青年参观了中益乡乡村振兴企业、桥头镇滕子沟国家湿地公园宣教中心,并与当地村民交流、体验土家特色舞蹈,向当地乡村青少年分享不同国家的文化和乡村,


“在乡村看见世界”活动由来自叙利亚的卢冉主创设计,来自也门、塔吉克斯坦、俄罗斯、土库曼斯坦的外国青年协助开展,立足乡村青少年乡土教育、世界观教育引导更多外国青年开展服务。活动于 1 月 5 日 与 1 月 17 日在石柱县中益乡和桥头镇举行,八名外国青年参观了中益乡乡村振兴企业、桥头镇滕子沟国家湿地公园宣教中心,并与当地村民交流、体验土家特色舞蹈,向当地乡村青少年分享不同国家的文化和乡村,共同绘画乡村愿景图、种下中外青年友谊树。该活动通过外国青年的眼睛,传播重庆乡村振兴成果、本地美食和少数民族风采。

The "Seeing the World in the Countryside" event was designed by Lojain from Syria, with the assistance of foreign youth from Tajikistan, Russia, and Turkmenistan. This event based on rural youth education and worldview education, it guides more foreign youth to carry out volunteer services.

The event was held on January 5th and 17th in Zhongyi Town and Qiaotou Town, Shizhu County. Eight foreign youth visited the Zhongyi Township Rural Revitalization Enterprise and the Tengzigou National Wetland Park Education Center in Qiaotou Town. They also exchanged ideas and experienced Tujia style dances with local people, shared cultures and of different countries with local people, and planted a tree of friendship between Chinese and foreign youth. This activity spreads the achievements of Chongqing's rural revitalization, local cuisine, and the charm of ethnic minorities through the eyes of foreign youth.