


       加拿大时间2022年12月12日11:21(北京时间2022年12月13日 0:21),在联合国COP15中国角举办的《气候变化背景下生物多样性保扩》主题报告会上,重庆陆海基金会副秘书长陈灿在主题报告会第二阶段“中国经验”,发表了约11分钟视频演讲:《鹰飞之城——从猛禽保护到城市生态名片》。

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       Hello, I am Chen Can, from Chongqing Luhai International Communication Foundation. The topic I'm gonna share with you today is "Eagle City—From Raptor Protection to Ecology Conservation".  

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图-山水之城重庆    谭祥君 摄

       重庆地处中国西南部,处在“一带一路”和长江经济带的联结点上,是一座非常与众不同的城市。8.24万平方公里,3200万人口在此生活繁衍,青山与绿水和这座城市密不可分,融为一体。它,被称为“山城” “桥都” “火锅之都”;它,又被人们称为“8D魔幻城市”。由于山高水长,这里有着跨越长江的索道、世界上最复杂的立交桥,还有将山水完美融合的建筑智慧——吊脚楼。

       Located in southwest China, Chongqing is the nexus of the Belt and Road and the Yangtze River Economic Belt, a very unique city where lush mountains and lucid waters are inextricably intertwined, nourishing 32 million people to live and thrive. It is known as the "Mountain City", "Bridge City", "City of Hot Pot", and besides, "8D Magic City". 

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图-全球鸟类迁飞地图    北京市企业家环保基金会提供



图-重庆平行岭地图    八二四研究所提供

       Chongqing is also the world's largest city built in parallel ridge and valley regions because of its special topography. The map shows that these parallel ridges and valleys look like expressways from the sky. Migratory raptors can use these passages to navigate their way and fly in circles on the updrafts formed by these mountains, making Chongqing a landmark of natural passages for the migratory raptors in Eurasia.

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图-巫山金雕    江华志 摄

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图-鸿恩寺凤头鹰    江华志 摄


       Every year, hundreds of thousands of migratory raptors of more than thirty species fly over Chongqing. They travel along the parallel ridges and valleys between breeding grounds in Mongolia, Russia, Northeast China and Japan, and wintering grounds in the China-Indochina Peninsula, Indonesia and even Oceania. Among them, there are many large rare and endangered raptors, such as the Jerdon's baza, short-toed snake eagle, booted eagle, Bonelli's eagle, greater spotted eagle, and steppe eagle. The number of migratory raptor species accounts for 80% of the number of raptors in Chongqing and 46% of the country. And this earns the city another name, "Eagle City".

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       During the annual migration season, Chongqing welcomes a flock of raptors to roost and obtain supplies, forming beautiful scenery of the city. However, the rapid expansion of Chongqing's urban areas and the lives of more than 30 million people will inevitably bring impacts and challenges to these migrating raptors. Chongqing urgently needs to address the harmonious coexistence of the city, ecology and people, and the symbiosis between raptors and the city.

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       Chongqing Forestry Bureau, as the functional government department for bird protection in Chongqing, has established 217 nature reserves of various types, with a total area of about 1,269,000 hectares. Every year, it organizes "Bird Loving Week" urban publicity activities, compiles and publishes books such as Field Guide to the Raptors in Chongqing, and launches the "Bird Escort Campaign" volunteer service action for the protection of migratory birds in 2018, advocates "Care for migratory birds, protect the city of mountains and rivers". It has established a migratory bird protection mechanism led by the government, supported by the society and participated by the public. In 2021 alone, 43 volunteer bird protection teams completed 283 patrol activities, with a total of 1,170 kilometers of patrol and more than 2,000 hours of patrol time. 41 social organizations have carried out more than 100 public activities in protected areas and science popularization museums in the city. Let's take a look at what actions we have taken in the bird guardianship.




       The people in the picture is Han Zheng, a raptor monitoring volunteer after retiring, who is responsible for the raptor monitoring site located at the Nanshan Great Golden Eagle in Tongluo Mountains. He often needs to drive for half an hour and then climb the mountain for half an hour to reach the monitoring site. In his monitoring records, he once recorded up to 3800 raptors in a single day. As a well-known local bird conservation organization, Chongqing Bird Watching Society regularly organizes national volunteers and bird enthusiasts to visit various observation sites in Chongqing’s parallel ridges to conduct simultaneous surveys of transit raptors on a regular basis during the migration season, and has accumulated and analyzed over ten years of basic raptor data for the study of raptors.

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       This is Zhou Jun, a veterinarian at the Chongqing Terrestrial Wildlife Rescue Center. He is releasing a leg-injured crested goshawk brought in by a citizen. After a systematic examination, this bird is ready to fly back to the wild. According to incomplete statistics, there are 6 municipal rescue institutions in Chongqing. Among them, the Chongqing Terrestrial Wildlife Rescue Center treats a variety of injured wildlife brought in by the public every year. In the last five years, it has rescued 338 raptors, including 143 in the order Falconiformes and Accipitriformes and 195 in the order Strigiformes.

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       Weichen is a staff member of the Nature Bridge Environment Education Center. Every Saturday morning, she leads volunteers in a park to provide the public with a bird-watching activity. Sometimes, she goes to schools to share raptor stories with young people. The themed activity “a bird’s-eye view of the new world” has been held for 6 years, with a total of 840 volunteers participating in 343 sessions, providing services for more than 30,000 people. There are many other public welfare organizations like this one in Chongqing, 14 of which are regional and county public welfare organizations, dedicated to raptor conservation and advocacy. They work together to establish a network of raptor habitat patrols and organize regular public participation in raptor protection activities.

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       The "Bird Gardian" now has lots of volunteer members from nature reserves, schools, communities and business districts across the city. They, different in ages and careers, have participated in bird protection in rich forms with interesting content. But all of these are just a miniature of the "Eagle City".



       Chongqing Luhai International Communication Foundation has always been committed to supporting Chongqing-based NGOs in their frontline exploration of public charity, cultural exchange and biodiversity conservation. In addition to funding and supporting the NGOs' actions in raptor conservation, we are also looking for more active and innovative solutions in ecological conservation, rural development and Sino-foreign NGO exchange and cooperation, to jointly promote the exchange and mutual appreciation between marine and continental civilizations for sustainable development.



       In the future, we will build a raptor museum, carry out international joint actions to protect migratory birds, and hold raptor-watching competitions for youth. We also welcome more bird conservation organizations and enthusiasts around the world to contact us for research, rescue and guardianship of migratory raptors. Last but not least, welcome to Chongqing, an “Eagle City” for bird watching and conservation, to enjoy its charm immersively.


       That's all I have to share today, thank you.