陆海之约 Land and Sea Promise | 招募在渝外国青年共建公益之城 Recruiting foreign youth in Chongqing to build a city of charity

        陆海之约是由重庆陆海国际传播公益基金会、重庆国际传播中心发起的组织中外青年交流、在渝外国青年感知重庆公益的服务活动,旨在以基金会为链接纽带、以公益与文化为交流话题、让外国人士真实感受重庆,让中外青年友好交流 ,共建公益之城

     Land and Sea Promise is a service activity initiated by Chongqing Luhai International Communication Foundation and Chongqing International Communication Center to organize Chinese and foreign youth exchange and foreign youth in Chongqing to perceive the public welfare of Chongqing, aiming at using the foundation as a link, using public welfare and culture as the exchange topic, allowing foreign people to truly experience Chongqing, allowing Chinese and foreign youth friendly exchange, and building a city of public welfare





      Organize foreign youths in Chongqing to participate in research, service and publicity activities for public welfare in Chongqing. They can choose one of the six fields: nature, environmental protection, countryside, culture, children and disability, and participate in the corresponding public welfare activities.









Recruitment requirements

      1. Love China and be enthusiastic about public welfare activities

      2. Age 18 to 45 years old

      3. Have a certain basic knowledge of Chinese and have the necessary time to participate in activities

      4. Good health, no major diseases

      5. No history of travel and residence in medium and high risk areas and contact history of confirmed cases and their close contacts

      6. Health code must be green code







Event Period

      01.11.2022-07.11.2022 is the registration period

      Mid-November 2022 is the training time 

      (meet to determine the theme of public service activities, training public service knowledge)

      Late November to mid-December 2022 for activities

      Late December 2022 is the summary exchange time







The organizers can provide

      1. Basic research funding for expatriate youth

      2. Links to public welfare organizations in the corresponding fields

      3. Provide materials related to the event

      4. Activity certificates, gifts, etc.





        If you are a young foreigner who is passionate about public service, come and sign up!

        Join us and join the ocean of public service with your own personal efforts.

       Join us and get a closer look at Chongqing charity and the people who love it.



      Thank you for your willingness to be a participant of the "Foreign Youth Creative Activities". Please fill in the following information card in detail, and we will contact you according to the information after submission.
